SIRI for My Equity Auto-Portfolio Plan

Download MarketAlly & Try PolyPlans™
trade assistance or fully automated, you choose!

We provide the price levels,
you simply adjust how much and what risk.

Successful Plan

The plan exited at one of the 3 reward stages. Note returns and percentages are calculated based on the levels executed only.

Autoplan allocation.

  Price Shares Cost Returns R/R
First Level
Buy $5.04
Reward $6.88 $1,698.86 $452.99
Risk $3.21 $792.88 ($452.99)
Cancel $6.88    
Second Level
Buy $3.21
Reward $5.04 $11,782.78 $4,284.13
Risk $3.05 $7,123.72 ($374.93)
Even $3.39      
1st Trade exit @ reward target $0.00  
Total Reward from all applicable channels $4,284.13  
Total Risk from all applicable channels ($867.57)  
Third Level
Buy $3.05
Reward $3.21 $1,312.91 $65.65
Risk $2.90 $1,184.90 ($62.36)
Even $3.34      
1st Trade exit @ reward target ($452.99)  
2nd Trade exit @ reward target $0.00  
Total Reward from all applicable channels ($387.34)  
Total Risk from all applicable channels ($1,323.78)  
First Level

reward : risk
level reached 60.36%
Second Level

reward : risk
level reached 38.55%
Third Level

reward : risk
level reached 20.36%

Our app makes it easy to customize the trade regardless of funds!