The plan exited at one of the 3 reward stages. Note returns and percentages are calculated based on the levels executed only.
As all viruses follow a bell curve, the first wave represents the emotional impact on the markets while the following waves draw out the economic impact around the slow down. The initial drop has given us enormous swings but more is likely in store over the next few months as we will see 1 to 2 quarters of contraction. With central banks coordinating their approach, we should see each level defended and certain sectors go through patterns of rebooting over the next 4-6 months.
The plan has been created but neither the first buy or cancel price has been triggered
The first buy has triggered and the plan at some stage in the execution
The cancel price was reached before the first buy could be triggered
The plan exited at the final stop loss.
The plan exited at one of the 3 reward stages